Thursday 31 January 2013

Jodene Has a BF

Jodene Has a BF
Marc S. Cohen

            And now everyone's upset. WTF?? texts Dakota. OMFG!!! texts Mercede. :O#@!%!!!! texts Serenity. Worst to take it is Serenity. Everyone just assumed she was going to be the first. It was Serenity whose Middle School classmates voted most likely to grow up to be a centerfold. She was the first to get braces, and the first to graduate to a B-cup. Is it her fault the boys are all intimidated by her? Even the high school boys?

               It's not like anyone saw it coming. Jodene never let on. She always acted like nothing was going on. Even after the news broke, it was hard to tell. She wore the same look of boredom, the same whythehellwasIeverborn expression on her face as she ever did. Her hair, her clothes, her shoes, nothing looked any different. So is it any wonder everyone was all, CUL8R, Bitch! when they found out?

            Looking back, we should've expected it, though. There was always something odd about that Jodene. When all the other girls were giving each other Barbie makeovers, Jodene was bitching about Ken's missing boy parts. When her friends were badgering their moms for a flat-iron, she was all about keratin. Even her armpits smelled of peroxide. Bet she isn't bitching about Ken now. But FCOL, everyone knows Serenity's the Queen of the Tube Tops, that Mercede's the girl with the ass crack of an angel. FCOL!

            It's Tuesday after school, and the girls are hanging out by the flagpole, their bottoms nesting on the low wall between tedium and indifference, when up saunters you-know-who. Well look who's deigned to join us, derides Dakota. What, you get dumped already, mumbles Mercede. Serenity says nothing, just scowls solipsistic. Jodene's eyes go electric; her jaws unhinge; she asks them in no uncertain terms: What's going on. So clueless, texts Mercede. Totally uptight, texts Dakota. LMAO! texts Serenity. Jodene wants to see what they're texting. Oh, nothing you'd be interested in, says Serenity, and they all laugh, except for Jodene, of course, who's all, OMG, you guys are such assholes!

            And I guess in hindsight, they probably were, but who could've blamed them? I mean, they were fourteen, for fuck's sake, and who expects a fourteen-year-old to handle the news that one of them is pulling ahead in her life's journey, leaving the rest of them to suck on her tailpipe, without getting all indignant on her ass? Is it any wonder they felt totally (<>..<>) from her? The news was like 8-# to them, they were so #:-o, so %-(.

            And yet they probably should've gone easier on her, too. Hell, if it was her own funeral, they wouldn't have invited her.

            Mercede is the first to leave, scampering off through the alley between the sign shop and the tattoo parlor, past Roadkill Cleaners, the liquor store and the car wash, till she reaches her mom's front door. Climbs up the stairs to the apartment in the back, overlooking the rear parking lot behind Grover's Shoe Repairs. She throws her shit down and tromps off to her room. Her brother steps out of the can just as she reaches her room.



            You hear about Jodene?

            What? Course, who hasn't.

            I mean, how can this be? She's no beauty queen. Who suddenly elected her Miss Florida?

            Are you kidding? her brother cracks. She's hot.

            Are you serious???

            Smirking, her brother brushes by and heads into the kitchen. Opens the fridge and pulls out a corndog. Mercede stomps in after him. Answer me, she shrieks, as he calmly denudes the dog of its wrapper. She glares at him while he chews, until at last, mouth full of crumbs, he mumbles:

            Oh yeah. All the guys wanna bang her, once she fills out a little.

            Mercede is dumbstruck. She normally worships the ground her brother walks on. She was the first to defend him when he got his girlfriend pregnant last summer. It was all Bristol's fault, she cried, he couldn't help it that slut seduced him! What was he supposed to do when she agreed to go camping all alone in the Ocala with him?

            Now here he is, telling her the worst thing she ever wanted to hear. The worst thing! He might as well have announced Charlotte Russe is shutting down.

            It goes no better at Dakota's. Her mom's tits are all in a knot over her stepdad's Oxycontin conviction, and her little sister's talking dope about some teacher who's been sneaking into the girls room at school and peaking under the stalls. No one wants to talk about Jodene. Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me in this house? Dakota protests, until her little sister corrects her, reminding her that they live in a trailer.

            It's down to Serenity to be the voice of reason, and wouldn't you know it but the next day, she's all smiles and 8-D when she announces, in no uncertain terms: You know, like, it's not like anyone's ever seen her with him.

            And it's true! No one has seen her with him. No one even knows who he is. Does he have a name? Does he have a face? For all they know, he might be a figment of Jodene's imagination! Or a figment of theirs!

            Or he might be a dog, digs Dakota.

            Or a chimp! mocks Mercede.

            Or a pock-faced dork! sneers Serenity.

            No, I mean it, says Dakota. It may really be her dog! Maybe she was just going on about Rufus. They're very attached, you know.

            This makes them feel better, because everyone knows that Jodene goes practically ape shit over Rufus, her little Pit-bull Pomeranian mix, which her grandma gave her after the hurricane trashed their cabana last month. Fuck, yeah! It had to be that cur she was talking about. A dog may be man's best friend, but what's to stop one from being a little teenage whore's BF?

            So they decide to forgive and forget. They pick up a gift card at the local TJ maxx and catch a bus over to the Motel 8 where Jodene and her peeps have been staying while waiting for the word from the insurance adjustors. A small dog can be heard barking inside room #24B, and Dakota shares a knowing wink with Serenity, who winks at Mercede, who winks back at Dakota. All suppressed giggles, they knock on the door, the dog barks wildly, and an old woman with a face crumpled like a used tampon opens the door.

            It's Jodene's grandma.

            She ain't here, she informs them. The sad truth is if they'd come to apologize, they were too late. Jodene's had a nervous breakdown, you see, and was sent off last night to the Vines in Ocala for an emergency admission. She's a total mess, they wanna keep her under observation indefinitely, hopefully the insurance will cover her treatment, otherwise the good Lord knows how they's gonna be able to fix both a house and a teenage girl, and does any of them by chance know someone who wants a used Pit-bull Pomeranian mix, the goddamned motel says they can't keep him there if he don't stop shitting on the furniture, and at this rate they won't be leaving till Jesus comes back and crosses the Okeechobee on foot....

            She shuts the door. Solemnly, the girls descend the stairwell and sink onto a bench outside the pool area. Nobody pays much attention to the sounds of cannonballs and belly flops crashing all around. Or the seagulls waddling over, snatching at all those discarded fries whose burnt ends make them look like beige-colored butts. In the lot, an SUV with Delaware plates pulls away while another from Tennessee pulls in. As the driver heads over to the front desk to check in, two small faces in the back window stare covetously at the explosions in the water.

            Christ, who takes a family vacation in the middle of a school year, anyway?

            Several minutes pass, until Serenity lifts up her phone, squinting agonizingly beneath the sun's devilish glare, and texts: Can U believe the bitch thought we wanted to apologize?! >-<
Marc Cohen is a writer, artist and musician born in the United States and residing in Toronto, Ontario. He writes little existential pieces about people grappling with the indeterminacies of life, language, and love. His stylistic forebears include Donald Barthelme, Sheila Heti, and Joel and Ethan Coen.
*This story will appear in the March 2013 issue of Authored By Schrödinger's Cat*

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